Christine Weir, Artist

My work is primarily inspired by how we use and interpret our planet, chronicling the visible scars and manipulations of the earth as seen from above. Previously my work focused on environmental issues, geologic changes over time, and coinciding conspiracy theories, however; my more recent work takes new flight, delving into the interior life of the self. Inspired by physics, specifically fractals and chaos theory, I am interested in investigating the ubiquitousness of similarities and predetermination in the universe by exploring how it relates to emotions on the human level. Our environments, and our selves, find a delicate balance between chaos and order, a balance I seek to interpret through my graphite works of the natural world.


Jennifer Gainey

As an award-winning real estate agent for the past nineteen years, Jennifer Gainey has built a successful business based on her diverse knowledge, professionalism, and a keen sensitivity to her client’s needs. Her education and background are in art and business; prior to becoming a Realtor, Jennifer earned her B.F.A. in fine art and worked as a studio artist, then took positions with two major art auction houses in Los Angeles. At Christie's she served as Assistant Vice President, Operations Manager, and at Butterfield & Butterfield, as Director of LA Estates.